New Roof – Hurst, TX

Do you have a home currently under construction that’s finally ready to have a new roof put on? Or do you need a roof replacement completed on your current home in Hurst, TX or the surrounding areas? Whatever the case, Fireman Roofing TX is the team you can trust to deliver nothing but perfection anytime you call on us. Your home’s roof plays a crucial role in the protection of your home and family and as off-duty firemen, we believe it’s always our job to stay on-duty when it comes to trusted protection. Long term protection for your home begins with a flawless installation. After that, routine inspections and maintenance are a great way to keep things functioning at their best while keeping your roofing costs and hassles to a minimum. Fireman Roofing TX is here for you, reach out today at (817) 455 – 9342.

Asphalt Shingles

Also known as composition shingles, asphalt shingles continue to be one of the most common forms of shingles used in residential roofing. They are one of the least expensive roofing materials on the market and with a typical lifespan being 20+ decades, it’s a good investment to make for trusted protection of your home. Available in many styles and colors, this roofing option is sure to deliver on the look and protection you’re hoping for.


Metal roofs are just behind shingles when it comes to popularity for residential roofing. While they are more of an initial investment, metal roofs often require less maintenance than your traditional shingles over the years. Metal roofs were designed to last and it’s not uncommon when you have yours in the right hands, to see yours last for more than 50 years! Metal roofs continue to impress with their incredible durability and here in Texas, knowing you have a solid roof atop your home during those hail and windstorms we see is a peace of mind every homeowner deserves.

Call Today

When you need a new roof installed on your home in Hurst, TX, Fireman Roofing TX brings the options you need so you can have the long-term protection your home and family both need and deserve. For quality you can trust, call Fireman Roofing TX today at (817) 455 – 9342.